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Wee School of English



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    Zuzana Butulová img 5

    Tailor-made lessons to your needs for a very good price. I have progressed so much in English since I started taking the classes. I have discovered what I needed to improve the most and than we focused on it. You will get advice and tips you will not learn anywhere else and you will really understand the language.

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    Sara Yague img 5

    Motivated learning journey adapted to individual needs using innovative and effective methods. Wee school of English are experienced teachers that encourage and explain you the depth of English language and its best use. Excellent results.

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    Oksana Litvinova img 5

    Great course!It has been a surprise, I did not expect it would be like that, AMAZING. I feel more confidence. I take advantage of the different strategies I´ve learnt when I speak in English now. I feel that I´ve activated a lot of vocabulary and also I am able to listen to myself and detect my mistakes. The big difference is the focus on speaking, I think that it makes the course so useful and gives total satisfaction to the student, you can feel your improvement . I would also highlight the personal feedback as one of the most important things that increase the quality of the course.

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    Miriam Ruiz img 5

    Highly recommendable! The lessons are in small groups. The activities are well-planned and designed according to the students’ necessities. It is ideal for improving all the English skills practising and having a good time.

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    Vanesa Caballero Alonso img 4

    Wee School of English is great for those students who wants to learn English in a friendly atmosphere. Small groups, native and nice teachers and competitive prices.